Award Eligible Work 2015
It’s been… a year. Since its inception, Unlikely Story has undergone several changes, and 2015 was another metamorphosis year for us. We launched our first Kickstarter campaign, and had the best intentions of publishing our first print anthology within this year. Alas, the clowns took longer to get ready than we anticipated, so Clowns: The Unlikely Coulrophobia Remix will be published in early 2016. That said, it’s been a hell of a year. This is what we’ve done (and what is award eligible, if you’re so inclined) and we are extremely proud of it…
Jump Cut by Lauren C. Teffeau
Dropped Stitches by Levi Sable
It’s Machine Code by Curtis C. Chen
Those Who Gave Their Island to Survive by Barry King
The Confession of Whistling Dixie by Fiona Moore
The Joy of Sects by Joseph Tomaras
Five Things Every Successful Clown Must Do by Derek Manuel
Perfect Mime by Sarah K. McNeilly
A Million Tiny Ropes by Virginia M. Mohlere
Everyone’s a Clown by Caroline M. Yoachim
Break the Face in the Jar by the Door by Carlie St. George
Follow Me Down by Nicolette Barischoff
Minotaur: An Analysis of the Species by Sean Robinson
The Librarian’s Dilemma by E. Saxey
The Dauphin’s Metaphysics by Eric Schwitzgebel
Soteriology and Stephen Greenwood by Julia August
And Other Definitions of Family by Abra Staffin-Wiebe
Candidate 45, Pensri Suesat by Pear Nuallak
The Shapes of Us, Translucent to Your Eye by Rose Lemberg
We’re thrilled to have had the opportunity to work with all these amazing authors over the course of the year. Hopefully you enjoyed reading their stories as much as we enjoyed publishing them. See you in 2016!
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